The story began on October 14th, in a magical place in Kintamani, Bali. Amidst towering trees, we conducted the Ngeruak process at a captivating accommodation with a unique tree house concept. 

Ngeruak is not just an ordinary event for us. It is the culmination of the values ​​we firmly hold in our company, known as Tri Hita Karana. It's about integrating with nature, with fellow humans, and most importantly, with spirituality.

In the Balinese cultural view, Ngeruak is not just a ritual. It is an expression of harmony between humans, God, and the intangible universe. In Bali, we see this world as a shared home, not only for humans, animals, and plants, but also for our ancestors who remain present in daily life.

And amidst all this wonder, stands Nirata. Hidden amidst the beauty of Kintamani's nature, in the village of Kedisan, Nirata embodies all the values ​​and beliefs we hold. Plans are underway for Nirata to greet the world in May, bringing a new story of cultural sustainability and coexistence with nature. This is part of our process in creating sustainable accommodations, aligning current needs without sacrificing the future.